
How Server Decommissioning hga皇冠注册 Help Cloud Providers

云计算很方便, but cloud providers have to carefully consider how to manage secure server decommissioning. Amazon is a leader in the cloud computing market, but it only holds 32% of the share. Smaller companies falling into the “Other” category dominate as cloud providers. Most workers spend time with one or all of the […]




到2020年,只有一半的美国人.S. has enacted laws or regulations that mandate e-recycling. 许多国家仍然没有任何法律规定. 只有19个州禁止电子产品进入垃圾填埋场. 即使有现行法律, Statista reports that only 20% of e-waste is properly documented, 收集, 和回收. 这很可怕,如果你停下来[…]



What Is Chain-of-Custody With 电子产品回收 and IT资产处置?

电子产品回收和IT资产处置, chain-of-custody is a process that documents exactly where electronic items are during all stages of recycling. It includes an item’s custody, transfer, analysis, and disposal. 为什么这很重要?? 如果一个公司不知道物品在哪里, there’s no way to prove information on those electronics wasn’t stolen […]



Improper Data Decommissioning Can Cost Your Business Millions

Data decommissioning is a process where electronics and other assets that hold important data are removed from a company’s possession in a responsible manner. It could be the result of a company shutting down, 扩大, or simply needing to get rid of outdated equipment. Done correctly, sensitive information isn’t exposed or at risk of being […]



如何正确销毁硬盘 & 它的数据

One gig of data can contain up to 675,000 pages of information. 这只是一场演出. Imagine how much information is on multiple computers, printers, phones, etc. 在你的办公室或家里. Each one of those devices has the power to ruin a person, 业务, 或机构,如果没有被妥善销毁. 数据破坏[…]




To protect your personal or 业务 information, you delete old files. It’s the steps most people do take and think that’s good enough. You deleted the scan of a customer’s driver’s license taken before selling a new car. At home, you scanned your passport application so that you had a copy until your passport arrived. […]



5 Tips for IT资产处置 for Remote Workers & 卫星办公室

回到二月, a joint report between Global Workplace Analytics and Flexjobs, a company that specializes in helping employers find telecommuters, 调查发现,美国的远程工作者人数.S. 2005年至2017年间增长了159%. In just the past five years, remote work has increased by 44%. COVID-19大流行肯定会[…]
